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The Good Mentoring Toolkit for Healthcare

The Good Mentoring Toolkit for Healthcare

Number of page: 160
Author: Helen Bayley, Ruth Chambers, Caroline Donovan
Publisher: Radcliffe Publishing
ISBN: 1857756495
Category: Medical

This book examines how nurses will provide a first-point-of-contact consultation service as an alternative to going to see the doctor. It analyses the different nurse practitioner models around the world and presents a proposal for the UK, using research material to describe the impact of this kind of nurse practitioner on patients, doctors and other nurses. The book proposes practical steps through which this model can be implemented within Primary Care Groups, and considers the professional implications for doctors and nurses. Among the conclusions reached in the book are: * nurse practitioners are acceptable to both colleagues and patients * they will have an increasing impact on the nature of the work of doctors * the role of general practitioners may develop to complement the emerging role for nurses. The book is relevant and important reading for everyone who will be affected by these developments, including nurses, doctors, health service managers and policy makers.

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About The Author

Ruth Chambers, M.D., has been practicing and teaching medicine for more than 20 years.

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